
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Built: Nakskov Skibsvaerft A/S, Nakskov, Denmark  in 1922, gross tonnage: 6,385; deadweight tons: 9900; Length: 422 ft. 4 inch.;Breath 54.0 ft.; Draught: 28 ft. 1 inch.; Knots: 10.5.
Det Forenede: [DFDS is a Danish Shipping Company. It is one of the world's largest ferry operators. The company's name is an abbreviation of Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab (literally The United Steamship Company).  

The Arizona powered by two B&W 6-cylinder oil engines of 2,100 bhp, was one of several vessels owned by this company and named after US states.  She was involved in the company’s regular service between Scandinavia and the east coast of Canada and USA and US Gulf ports.  In April 1940 she was laid up at Vitoria, Brazil, and two years later taken over by the Brazilian government.  From 1942 to August 1945 she was under the Brazilian flag as Gavealoide.  She was returned to Denmark in 1945 and as Arizona continued in service until she was laid up at Esbjerg in March 1958.  About one year later she was sold to a Netherlands company and renamed Ari for a single voyage to Japan with delivery to breakers at Asaka.

Author: Bud Shortridge

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Alexander Semmes was not nearly as famous as his cousin Raphael, who made a name for himself as captain of the Confederacy's most successful commerce raider.  Alexander stayed Loyal to the Union and made his own reputation stopping blockade runners on the west coast of Florida in the USS Tahoma.

Captain Raphael Semmes of the CSS Alabama is well known to those who have studied the naval side of the Civil War. His exploits around the world in the Confederate States navy made him a much-needed hero to the people of the Southand an infamous pirate to the leadership and merchants of the north. He was, however,not the only sailor named Semmes who fought in the bloodiest conflict this nation has known, fought with the U.S. Navy in a backwater squadron on the tropical coasts of Florida and gained a reputation there as an aggressive and successful ship commander.

Just Click on the Link below


The SS Delplata was a "Hog Island" freighter that was built back in 1919, and done a great job, but in November of 1942 she met up with U-156

She took two on each side....the crew attempted to save there ship twice.....but.....

You can read about "her day" and "her fate"....below:

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The Navy fought Congress hard to build a new class of super-battleships, but in the end it was the Brooklyn Bridge and Panama Canal that scratched the 65,000-ton behemoths.

This article provides you with the behind the scene info that took place in getting these "Battle Beast"  from the drawing board to their keel being laid....unfortunately after yrs of planning and discussions that didn't take place.