
Saturday, September 25, 2010



The unsung hero's of the attack on Hitler's Fortress Europe
"Thirty Words that Changed the World"

On 12 February 1944, just over 60 years ago, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), fresh from a strategic meeting with President Roosevelt of the USA and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom was given a cryptic 30 word order. “You will enter the continent of Europe and, in conjunction with the other United Nations, undertake operations aimed at the heart of Germany, and the destruction of her armed forces.” - there could be no mistaking this order as being anything other than the much hoped for massive assault on what had become known as the Atlantic Wall, Fortress Europe, or in Nazi propaganda the impenetrable wall of Festung Europa.  Of course, the Allies had already pieced various other corners of Hitler’s Festung Europa - up through Italy, and by this point in the war, the Soviet Armies were quickly moving forward rather than falling back along the Eastern front.

Ok folks the above is the 'lead-in' to this next article....if you think it is a subject that you'd care to read more about....all you have to do is click on this title: OPERATION NEPTUNE OVERLORD   and it will take you right to the 8 or so pages that describes it all.

Hope you enjoy the article.

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