
Saturday, September 17, 2011


This particular article that I am presenting here was actually sent to me from a relative of a gentleman that served in this era of saving mariners from the perils of shipwrecks before the type of rescue equipment we have in today's world.

I read it through at least a couple of times.....and what I liked about the article is the author put you right inside the story he is telling.....actually he made you "one of the surfmen" at the Life Saving Station at Blue Point Station (Fire Island, Long Island, New York) back in the 1930's.

So I took the article and copied word for word from the article itself.....but I did add pictures to hopefully give the reader more of a feel of what the author was attempting to explain on how rescues actually took place....and explaining some of there equipment that they were using in this era.

You soon realize that these men spent their entire working lives in only one pursuit: Saving the lives of shipwrecked mariners from our coastal beaches.  All were member of the U.S. Live Saving Service....established by the federal government to save lives of imperiled sailors and passengers.

If you'd care to give this article a going over I do believe you'll find it most interesting at how this author....whom retired from this service....puts you right into the mix of what is taking place.
Just click: HERE

Hope you find the article interesting

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